Email Marketing in Petersham, Massachusetts

Email Marketing in Petersham, MassachusettsIf you’re not familiar with e-mail marketing in Petersham, Massachusetts, you should be. Email marketing is a rapidly growing sales and marketing tool being used by more and more businesses in all industries and markets.

Essentially, email marketing in Petersham, Massachusetts and anywhere else in the country is a form of direct marketing that uses – you guessed it – email to deliver a commercial message to a target audience. These messages can be designed to:

  • Enhance the business/customer relationship and encourage customer loyalty and repeat business, often with a special offer or promotion
  • Acquire new customers or convince current ones to buy something immediately (e.g., “as a valued customer, you’re one of the select few receiving this very special, limited-time offer…”)
  • Customize email advertising messages sent by third parties
  • Create top-of-mind recall for customers – consumers will often buy from businesses immediately accessible to them when they need a product or service

The benefits of Petersham, Massachusetts email marketing

Perhaps you’re already advertising using traditional methods such as broadcasting (radio or TV), direct mail, publications, or billboards. Why bother with email marketing? Because the pay-off can be significant considering the rock-bottom cost of email marketing in Petersham, Massachusetts.

Studies have shown that email marketing is second only to online search marketing as the most effective online marketing strategy. You can reach substantial numbers of potential customers who have already opted-in to receive emails regarding topics, products, and services that interest them. Imagine that, all you traditional advertisers – sending marketing messages to consumers who have already indicated they’re interested in what you have to offer!

Email enables marketers to get in front of consumers with relevant, personalized, and effective messages and track an exact return-on-investment (ROI) – a return that can be remarkably high when combining an effective marketing message with a qualified email list.

Sophisticated transactional emails even enable you, the marketer, to respond immediately and automatically to consumer purchases or abandoned shopping carts to increase sales or recapture ones about to get away. Try doing that with your static print or billboard advertising.

At inConcert, we’ve got email marketing experts waiting to help you take advantage of all the benefits email marketing has to offer. We can help you craft effective Petersham, Massachusetts email marketing messages; assemble targeted, qualified email lists; and put together a comprehensive, highly-effective email marketing campaign to help your business achieve its goals and increase profits.  And that’s a marketing message every business owner likes to hear.